As I was ransacking my room the other day looking for my iPod, I found my Bop-It that I had gotten for Christmas like
5 years ago. First, I was all like “man,
I really should clean out my room” but then I was all like “man,
remember how frigging awesome Bop-It used to
be?” Consequently, I have compiled a
list of my top ten favourite playthings as a child. Beware: nostalgia will soon be setting in.

of ass. Seriously.
2. Skydancers – these were like the version of Barbies that older kids
weren’t too embarrassed to play with.
And they were SO COOL. Well, they were for
like the first little while after you got them.
You’d get one for Christmas and see how long it took you to get it stuck in the garland on the ceiling. And then you’re just… over it. Until you got a new one, obviously.

4. Yak Bak – this little shitty device could only record like five or so seconds of sound, but there was no limit to the number of things we could come up with to record. Mostly swear words and different names for reproductive organs. A laugh and a half.

6. Pogs – OH MAN, POGS. I’m not even sure I knew how to play Pogs. But, shit, did I love collecting them. I think I had like 5 slammers and I didn’t even know what they were used for.
hey were just my favourite Pogs.

7. Furby – creepy little bastards. How did anyone ever think these things were cute? The voice alone was enough to give you nightmares. I swear they still did shit without even having batteries in them.

9. Sock’em Boppers – these were pretty hardcore. You could give someone a serious nosebleed with these. Giving a set of these to a kid with a sibling was basically like giving them a license to kill. But they were so awesome.

im pretty sure i had all of these things...You would always get a polly pocket for your birthday. and you'd open it. even though your mom told you not to, and you'd have lost Polly before the birthday party was even over.