Spirits are generally high around the holidays. Everyone's in a good mood, love is flowing
out of every orifice, it's a good time. Given
all that, you know there's gonna be those people who just have to piss all over
that joy.
These are those people.
The Person Who
Dresses Up Their Pet

The Person Who Puts
Up Their Tree in November
Christmas is exciting, I get that, but the first day of
Christmas isn't actually until December 25, meaning the 12 Days of Christmas
run from December 25 to January 5. So,
you'll imagine my confusion when someone has their tree up and decorated the
first week of November and by January 2nd it's face down in their driveway
ready to be hauled to the dump. The same
goes for Christmas music - when I walk into a shopping mall on November 1st
and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" is blaring over the speakers, it
makes me want to boycott Christmas.
The Person Who Hates Secular Christmas
I am not one to bash anybody's religion; I think people should be able to practice whatever religion they like - just don't shove it in my face. If you put up a life-sized nativity scene on your front lawn, that's super. It really doesn't make a difference to me. But if I decide to put a star on the top of my Christmas tree instead of an angel, please do not scoff at my decision. I know you have your own definition of what you believe is the true meaning of Christmas, but I do not need a lecture. For the record, historians have been speculating for years that Jesus was actually born in the spring. WHAT NOW?!
The Person Who Gets a
Gift for Everyone
It's awesome to know someone who wants to spread the
Christmas spirit to everyone they know, but we all work with that one person
who goes out and buys everyone in the office a $2 Christmas ornament forcing us
to dart out to the mall and pick something up for them before they go on
holidays so we don't spend the entire Christmas vacation feeling like an
The Person Who Never
Chips in on Gifts

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